What they say about visual learners..hmmm

June 9, 2010

What do they say about visual learners other than that they learn visually…hehe….

Visual learners learn by charts, maps , drawings because it helps them absorb the information better.

This is what I got from a website:

“If you use the visual style, you prefer using images, pictures, colors, and maps to organize information and communicate with others. You can easily visualize objects, plans and outcomes in your mind’s eye. You also have a good spatial sense, which gives you a good sense of direction. You can easily find your way around using maps, and you rarely get lost. When you walk out of an elevator, you instinctively know which way to turn.

The whiteboard is a best friend (or would be if you had access to one). You love drawing, scribbling and doodling, especially with colors. You typically have a good dress sense and color balance (although not always!).”

I like taking notes because it helps me learn better, color coding as well.

If you want to know how you learn, you could visit this website: http://www.learning-styles-online.com/

It’s pretty useful and it tells you how you learn best!

Cool Facts about cloning

June 3, 2010


Hey, did you know that it takes thirty years in order to breed a banana from a seed!? Well, for that matter, instead of waiting thirty years they speed up the process by cloning them.

“A calf was cloned from a side of beef.”

“Cloning is against all those Catholics”, meaning that they are against cloning.

The clone would not have a biological mother or father because it came from an asexual reproduction.

Even though if the DNA donor was an adult, the clone would start out as an infant.

What animals have been cloned?

April 30, 2010

What animals have been cloned?

Incredible…hehe in  1952 was the year that the first animal was cloned. Guess what it was??….A TADPOLE >_<.

There were other animals involved with this cloning as well such as the famous sheep Dolly, goats, cows, mice, pigs, cats, rabbits, and a gaur. All of these animals were cloned were created by something called nuclear transfer technology. Many  cloned animals still exist today, but, there is a limit in species.

My learning style

April 5, 2010

Even though I didn’t really receive my learning style from my teacher, I still went online because I wanted to improve the way I study and learn. I’m a visual learner. Which means I learn by reading or seeing pictures. I understand and remember things by sight.

HUMAN Cloning

March 30, 2010

Therapeutic and Reproductive cloning

The more I learn the more I know. The most common reference of online knowledge, Wikipedia, tells us that there are two types of human cloning, therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning.

Therapeutic cloning: “Therapeutic cloning: (a.k.a. Somatic cell nuclear transfer or research cloning): This starts with the same procedure as is used in adult DNA cloning. The resultant embryo would be allowed to grow for perhaps 14 days. It’s stem cells would then be extracted and encouraged to grow into a piece of human tissue or a complete human organ for transplant. The end result would not be a human being; it would be a replacement organ, or piece of nerve tissue, or quantity of skin. The first successful therapeutic cloning was accomplished in 2001-NOV by Advanced Cell Technology, a biotech company in Worcester, MA.”

from: http://www.religioustolerance.org/clo_ther.htm

Reproductive cloning  is”…accomplished using a process called somatic cell nuclear transfer.”

“…scientists extract the nucleus of a somatic cell, a cell which can come from anywhere in the body, and insert it into an egg which has had its nucleus removed. The egg is stimulated, and it begins dividing and growing, developing into an embryo which can be implanted into a gestational surrogate and carried to term.”

from: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-reproductive-cloning.htm


March 12, 2010

I didn’t even know there was such thing called therapeutic cloning…but there is!!

“Therapeutic cloning, also called “embryo cloning,” is the production of human embryos for use in research”

Their goal here is not to create human clones but certain stem cells to help treat diseases and such. I think this is a pretty good idea because then you can get more transplants therefore people would live longer. 🙂

Cloning- my research

March 12, 2010

There was a sheep that was cloned name Dolly.
I also learned about reproductive cloning.
here’s the link and a quote from it.
link: http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/elsi/cloning.shtml

Reproductive cloning is a technology used to generate an animal that has the same nuclear DNA as another currently or previously existing animal.


March 4, 2010

There are two sides to cloning, it’s either your’re with it or you’re against it. I am all for cloning, for now. I am still researching whether it would be safe to clone a person. They have done so to a sheep, and a cow. It is pretty interesting,cloning, imagine yourself cloned. You having another you. hmmmm….

Hello world!

February 19, 2010

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!